Thursday, June 20, 2019

Day 1: travel

Day 1: Early flIght to HNL. Met 6 crew mates & 2 skippers at Sea Dragon. Safety, rules, orientation talks. Stowed gear. Stephan (DFW) gave talk about Palmyra.

We landed at HNL and made our way to Ko Olina Marina. We were there a bit early, so we walked over to the resort for lunch.  It was swarming with tourists. Not my kind of Hawaii or vacation.  We were happy to return to the quiet of Sea Dragon and the marina.

We met our skipper Eric, first mate Shanley, biologist Mary, working crew Sarah and Merit, and regular crew (like we are) Elaine, Jessica, and Crescentia. We unpacked and organized out gear and chose our bunks.  I have a knack for picking the worst bunk... so, I immediately chose the bottom bunk that had to be stepped on to get into the two upper bunks, with no personal fan, something that poked my back if I slept a certain way, and directly under Marrrk who had a habit of dropping items in my bunk...

We are assigned a red basket (think large milk crate) and I promptly began laying out my numbered dry bags and whatnots for easy locating in the dark. I also hung a couple of little bags in my bunk for night time things (headlamp, ipod) and daytime things (sun block, sun glasses).

It was a nice touch that Sea Dragon provided sheets and pillows so that we did not have to schlep these things during our travels.

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